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ysladmin 2024-07-22
景区英文指示_景区英文指示牌       大家好,今天我来给大家讲解一下关于景区英文指示的问题。为了让大家更好地理解这个问题,我将相关资料进行了整理,现在就让我们一起来看看吧。1.无锡旅游景点的英文介绍 无锡景点 英文2.泰山旅游


1.无锡旅游景点的英文介绍 无锡景点 英文

2.泰山旅游景点介绍英文版 泰山景点英文名

3.如何介绍古代旅游景点英文 如何介绍古代旅游景点英文版

4.英文介绍烟台旅游景点 山东著名景点英文介绍


无锡旅游景点的英文介绍 无锡景点 英文


       1. Wuxi Chi Chang Yuan is located in the western suburbs of Wuxi City, east of the Huishan Dong Lu, Xihui Park is located next to the alias Qin Park, the famous Ming Dynasty garden architecture. This park had to shag the Yuan Dynasty, the name "Wind Valley Bank's nest", the Ming Dynasty expansion. The whole garden divided two parts, the eastern part of the pool, the water main gallery, pool well-Ting; the western tree-based rockery, a famous Chinese classical gardens south. Summer Palace in Beijing within the Garden of Harmonious Interests, but imitation of Chi Chang Yuan's architecture.

       Chi Chang Yuan Hui Shansi of fragrant flowers opposite the door to the bridge, the Menbian handwritten inscription to the Emperor Qianlong. Through the hall, the is a large courtyard, at the end of a Changting, the walls covered with famous paintings. Turn left from the Chang Ting, is a unique shape of the courtyard. The west side of a small patio, an Old Vine, a Qulang, Jiangnan garden style is quite negative. Zhen Zhai left with a few lines, not far, we can see a huge piled by the Yellowstone Valley Road.

       2. Mountain Giant Buddha is located in Wuxi, south of the small Masan Qinlv Feng Mountain region, where the original was the Tang and Song temple Xiangfu Temple site. Location Buddha statue named Xuan Zang of Tang, Department of Small Mountain, hence the name Mountain Giant Buddha. This majestic Buddha statue is the largest Chinese Buddhist circles over the past century a great event, but also will become the pearl of Taihu Lake - Wuxi, one of the hallmarks of the social, cultural and economic development of great significance.

       Buddhist goes: Where the completion of the new Buddha, must undergo the opening, the tenor with sacred significance. Mountain Giant Buddha the opening ceremony by the senior monks in the world today co-chaired three major sects. Live by the million pots of flowers decorate yellow silk km. Five hundred meters Buddhist pilgrimage route Biancha flag, two hundred and eigh full Dengyun Road plant goldenrod, yellow cloth wred in a simple one thousand trees, thousand pigeon feathers flying around the Buddha. Fine curl, drum cross-ming, the world of the living Buddha King reproduction; believers gathered, incense revere

       3. Meiyuan Hushan in the western suburbs of the southern slope of the famous plum southern resort. Decorative garden layout to May Hill, Forest Hill plant plum, unique. Heart of the park one day Taiwan, Hornsey sea, Qingfen Court, Phoebe Hall, strokes Heting, small Luo Fu, Nian-qu tower, suddenly hole Songhe park attraction.

       4. "Surrounded by picturesque mountains are a year does not see the flowers every day," is indeed a reflection of this garden. Plum blossom in early spring tour season is in full bloom best when the three scenic spots, "Three Kingdoms City" is located in the southwest suburbs of Wuxi, west Qinglongshan, north of Taihu Lake, a famous tourist destination with Yuantouzhu, across three mountains across the lake. "Three Kingdoms" is the China Central Television to film "Three Kingdoms" named construction, covering thirty-five ha, 20 August 1994 TV movie as the Wuxi Taihu tourist attraction officially opened the new "Three Kingdoms" in the construction of a Han Dynasty style, eighty-five thousand square meters of building area, "Wu palace," "Sweet Dew Temple", "Cao Ying kiosk", "Seven altar," "beacon", "Yuan Men" and other tourist attractions, is also supporting the construction of two more than a dozen ancient warship, the three crew filmed the play in this best of "Liu Bei, Zhao Qin", "Huoshaochibi", "Borrow Arrows with Thatched", "Zhuge Liang Festival Wind" and other highlights. In addition, the scenic spot has also added the "Taoyuan trio of" scene, arena, Bagua Zhen, developed Caochuan "of Taihu Lake is a plus at, after all, the sea turtle head." Yuantouzhu located in Wuxi City, about ten kilometers southwest of Taihu charge Hill Peninsula, because of the form Yuantou broke into the lake is named after, the "scenic Taihu Lake First" reputation. Before the Ming Dynasty, has been for people to aspire yuantouzhu. Lam Xiuzhu, cliffs, Cliff, shine into Fun with the Taihu Lake, Wuxi is considered within the "Peach Blossom Spring."

       5. Yuantouzhu Park to win water features, landscape architecture show to be clear, the park is fluttering shadows of flowers, trees trees, rocks lying on the shore, green we whitecaps. Buildings are more famous Changchun Bridge, Cheng Lan Tang, Fei Ge, Jinsong Building, Wan Long Bridge, Articles floor, light the Temple, Tao Zhu Court, bright booths and so on. Xiandao existing Lake Park, a scenic area, sea turtle Nagisa Chuntao, million Langjuan snow, deer top Ying hui, show hidden charge Hill and other scenic spots. Mountain stands in the south of the small


       天心台 The Terrace of Heen’s Hearts烟雨梅村(念句力塔) The Mey Trees in Misty Rain (Nian Qu Pagoda——built to the memory of Mr. Rong’s mother)锡山晨曦 Dawn at Xishan Hill蠡湖之光 The Brilliance of Lake Lihu古越坊 The Ancient Yue Style ShopsThe Ancient Yue Fang Street中央公园 The Central City Park太湖夕照 Sunset /Afterglow over Lake Taihu

       三国城:Tri-Duchy Park

       水浒城:Ancient East Venice Park

       唐城:Tang Dynasty Park

       蠡园:Lee‘s Garden

       梅园:Plum Blossom Garden












       各位:在门厅右侧墙壁上,嵌刻的是明代石刻《寄畅园记》。过门厅,天井里两块刻石,右边是康熙题写的“山色溪光”,概括国内景色;左边是乾隆题写的“玉戛金从”,赞美园内八音洞的美妙泉声。往前是“民谷行窝”大厅,三门敞厅正中悬挂朱妃瞻所题写的匾额。凤谷行窝是寄畅园最早的名字。寄畅园第一代主人秦金,号“凤山”,惠山俗称龙山,以“凤山”相对,指出此地是“凤藏龙山”的风水宝地。现在的大厅是清雍正年间改建的,厅前柱子上挂着无锡金石家高石农篆书翁同_的楹联:“杂树垂荫,云淡烟轻;凤泽洁畅,气爽节和。”走廊东门叫“侵云”门,“侵云”为锡峰塔的别名,出此间可望锡峰塔影。酉门为“碍月” 门,可眺望九龙山峰,因峰高阻碍月色,故名“碍月”。





       各位游客:我们继续向东走,在快到尽头的高墙前,这座三米多高的湖石,它倚墙而立,像窈窕淑女,在方池前以水为镜,梳理发妆。所以人们都叫她 “美人石”。石前这个长方形的池塘,叫“镜池”。游客欣赏“美人石”一定要站在方池的西南角,少女楚楚动人的神态才能惟妙惟肖地展现在您的面前。石前的御碑亭里有乾隆的御笔。乾隆来此游览时,认为此石巍然昂首,有大丈夫气魄,将它改名为“介如峰”。园主人为此特意把乾隆的题字和题诗刻成石碑,立在镜池前面。各位游客,大家看一下石的南墙角,有一块不显眼的石头,好像一只癫蛤蟆,对着美人石张口垂涎,真像癫蛤模想吃天鹅肉。












       在游览寄畅园中,我们还可欣赏到《寄畅园法帖》石刻,一共200多方,分布在郁盘亭长廊、秉礼堂、含贞斋的墙上,以及邻梵阁、嘉树堂中。这些法帖是清嘉庆年间秦氏家族在乾隆所赐《三希堂法帖》的基础上,搜集宋、元、明、清名家,如秦观、文徵明、董其昌、刘塘等的墨迹,精雕细刻而成。现在看到的是 1981年根据旧拓本重新摹刻的,基本再现古时风。在含贞斋南侧围墙上,还保存着零星残存的原有石刻。如果客人中有书法爱好者,可以慢慢浏览欣赏。



       Xihui Park锡惠公园

       Tai Lake 太湖

       Sung-ji Temple崇安寺



       市民广场Civic Plaza

       城中公园City park

       三国城Three City

       水浒城Water Margin City



       The Sweetest City of China ———WUXI


       The most beautiful mall in wuxi lies in ChongAnSi .


       The greatest charm of wuxi stands by Lake Taihu .


       The busiest street in wuxi stays on Zhongshan Rord .


       The history of wuxi began with TaiboWu Palace.


       The hill in the city of wuxi belongs to Huishan .


       The longest river throuth the city sings Grand Canal.


       The richest village in wuxi reads HuaxiCun.


       The most cultural building in the center of wuxi remains Ancient library.


       a famous ordinary citizen of wuxi in folk music was Blind Arbin.


       the noblest family in wuxi is Family Rong in Rongxiang Villa

泰山旅游景点介绍英文版 泰山景点英文名


       英 [sa?t]? 美 [sa?t]

       n. 视力;看见;视线;景物

       例句:The train is still in sight.



       1、check one's sight 检查视力

       2、control one's sight 控制视力

       3、destroy sb's sight 毁坏某人的视力





       中文释义:n. 风景;景色;舞台布景


       But what about its scenery?




       中文释义:adv. 布景地;风景优美地


       The train journey from Sarajevo to Belgrade may he huge symbolic significance but, scenically


如何介绍古代旅游景点英文 如何介绍古代旅游景点英文版



       Mount Tai, one of the five famous mountains in China, is located in the central part of Shandong Province, between Tai'an, Jinan and Zibo, with a total area of 242,000 hectares.

       The main peak, Yuhuangding, is 1545 meters above sea level and has a magnificent momentum. It is known as "the first mountain in the world".


       Mount Tai was regarded by the ancients as a "heen leading directly to the throne" and became a god mountain worshipped by the people and sacrificed by the emperor. There is a saying that "Mount Tai is safe and all the seas are safe".


       From the beginning of Qin Shihuang to Qing Dynasty, 13 emperors successively visited Mount Tai to offer sacrifices to Buddhism or Buddhism, and another 24 emperors sent officials to offer sacrifices 72 times.


       Mount Tai is the symbol of the Chinese nation, the epitome of the Oriental culture, the place where the thought of "harmony between man and nature" is based, and the home of the spirit of the Chinese nation.












       Taishan Mountain is located in the central of Shandong Province. In ancient time, it was called Mt. Daishan or Mt.Daizong and was renamed Taishan Mountain during the Spring and Autumn Period, that was 770-476B.C.

       Taishan Mountain was included in the UNESCO world heritage list in 1987.The total area of the mountain is 426 square kilometers with a circumference of 80 kilometers.

       The main peak, Jade Emperor Peak, rising 1,545 meters above sea level, is at the north of Tai'an city. The mountain is an early birthplace of China's ancient civilization and the area around was one of ancient China's political, economic and cultural centers. In history, there were total 72 emperors from Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties who built temples on it.

       After Qin Shihuang (246-209 B.C.), numerous emperors and scholars from various historical periods went to Taishan Mountain, which accounts for the large quantity of precious cultural relics.

       Taishan Mountain has 72 majestic peaks, magnificent waterfalls, centuries-old pines and cypresses and fascinating rocks. There are five tourist zones and two routes up the mountain-one in the east and one in the west.

       They meet at Zhongtian Gate and there are 6,293 steps in the nine kilometers leading to the top. Scenic spots include Longtan Reservoir, Zhongtian Gate, Five-Doctor Pine, Duansong Hill, 18 Turns, South Gate to Heen, Bixia Tekmple, Zhanglu Terrace, Sun-Watching Peak, Moon-Watching Peak.

       The four wonders of the mountain are Sun Rises from the East, Golden Belt Along the Yellow River, Beautiful Sunset and the Sea of Clouds. Other attractive spots are the Rare Rock Dock, Fan Cliff, Aolai Peak, Black Dragon Pool, Longevity Bridge, and the Dragon Pool Waterfall.

       Running from Songshan Valley to the South Gate to Heen, on the top of Danshan Hill, is a path with 18 turns called Ladder to Heen. Although the path is little more than one

       kilometer long it rises 400 meters. The steps along the path are made of Tianshan schist. There is now a cable car from Zhongtian Gate to the top of Wangfu Hill.

       Taishan Mountain is one of China's mountain parks and is a natural museum of history and art. Along its axis there are 1,800 stone sculptures including famous ones such as the Carved Road from the Qin dynasty, the Buddhist Diamond Sutra in Sutra Stone Valley, the Wordless Stone Tablet and the Scripture of Taishan Mountain History carved on Tangmo Cliff.

       Tiankuang Hall in the Daimiao Temple which is also on Taishan Mountain is one of the three great halls of China the other two are the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the Forbidden City, Beijing , and Dacheng Hall in Qufu.

       The 40 statues of arhat in the Thousand-Buddha Hall of the Lingyan Temple date to the Song Dynasty and are prized for their individuality and expressiveness.






















        自秦始皇开始到清代,先后有13代帝王引次亲登泰山封禅或祭祀,另外有24代帝王遣官祭祀72次。泰山代表景点有阴阳界、桃花峪、傲徕峰、玉皇顶。接下来是我为大家整理的关于介绍泰山的 导游词 英语 作文 ,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!


        Hello, everyone. Welcome to Mount Tai. I hope you can he a good time here.

        First of all, let me give you an introduction to Mount Tai. Mount Tai is located in Tai'an City, Shandong Province. It is the first of the five mountains in China, the great symbol of the Chinese nation, and the epitome of the oriental cultural world. Mount Tai has been regarded as a symbol of national stability and national unity since ancient times. In ancient times, twelve emperors came to Mount Tai to confer Zen. Therefore, Mount Tai was the only famous mountain in China that had been granted Zen by the emperor. Even Confucius and Du Fu ascended Mount Tai one after another, leing some eternal quatrains.

        Next, I'm going to show you around the holy mountain. We are now in Hongmen, the starting point for walking up the mountain. There are 666 steps from here to Nantianmen. This number is very auspicious, which means I wish all the best to my mountaineers. The road is about ten kilometers long and takes about four hours. Please look up. This stone square is a Tianmen gate. Mount Tai has three gates: yitianmen gate, Zhongtianmen gate and Nantianmen gate. "One" is the starting point of all things. If you cross this gate, you will enter the gate of heen. In front of this four column and three door archway, the inscription "Confucius' boarding place" was created to commemorate Confucius' coming here to Mount Tai and to express the feeling that "he is more fierce than a tiger in politics". On the way up the mountain, there is a very interesting word puzzle, which is "Er Chong". Many people don't understand what it is. In fact, these two words mean "boundless wind and moon", that is, remove the border of the traditional Chinese characters "Feng and Yue" to describe the blue and beautiful scenery around.

        We've been walking for two hours. We're going to Zhongtianmen. The aerial passenger cableway runs from Zhongtianmen to Nantianmen with a total length of 2078m and a drop of 602m. Starting from Zhongtianmen and passing yunbuqiao, the five doctors came to the 18th plate after the pines. The 18 plates are divided into three 18 plates, slow 18, tight 18, not slow 18, with a total of 1633 steps. However, the three 18 plates are less than one kilometer long, with a vertical height of more than 400 meters.

        Now we he climbed the steep 18 sets and finally arrived at Nantianmen. It's 1460 meters above sea level. If you enter Nantianmen, you will enter Tianting. This road is called Tianjie, which is the Tianshan Mountain in the world and also the heen and the earth. Bixia Yuanjun is in Bixia temple. When you go out of Bixia temple to the north, you can see the symbol of Mount Tai, which is "the only one of the five mountains". To the north, you can see the top of Mount Tai, Yuhuangding, which is 1545 meters above sea level. It has been Dengfeng platform since ancient times, which proves that emperors of all dynasties set up altars here to worship heen.

        Friends, is the scenery of Mount Tai very beautiful? I hope you will come to Mount Tai with your friends and relatives next time.


        Hello, everyone. Today we are going to visit the world famous Mount Tai.

        Mount Tai, also known as "Daizong" and "Dongyue", is a world natural and cultural heritage, a World Geopark and a national 5A tourist attraction, with a total area of 24200 hectares. Yuhuangding, the main peak, is 1545 meters above sea level, known as "the first of the five mountains" and "the first mountain in the world".

        In ancient times, Mount Tai was regarded as a heen "connecting to the throne" and became a sacred mountain worshipped by the people and worshipped by the emperor. There was a saying that "Mount Tai is safe and all the world is safe". From the beginning of the first emperor of Qin Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, there were 13 generations of emperors who went to Mount Tai to offer sacrifices, and another 24 generations of emperors sent officials to offer sacrifices 72 times. The ancient literati admired the magnificent scenery of Mount Tai and came here one after another to trel and write poems. Du Fu's Wangyue and other poems and essays he been handed

英文介绍烟台旅游景点 山东著名景点英文介绍




       The Forbidden City in Beijing is the royal palace of the Ming and Qing Dynasties in China. It was formerly known as the Forbidden City.

       It is located in the center of Beijing's central axis and is the essence of ancient Chinese palace architecture.

       The Forbidden City in Beijing is centered on the three main halls. It covers an area of 720,000 square meters and has a construction area of about 150,000 square meters.

       There are more than 70 large and small palaces and more than 9,000 houses. It is one of the largest and most preserved ancient wooden structures in the world.



       The Great Wall, also known as the Great Wall, is a military defense project in ancient China.

       It is a tall, sturdy and continuous long raft that is used to limit enemy riding. The Great Wall is not a purely isolated city wall, but a defense system that combines a city wall as the main body and a large number of cities, barriers, pilions, and standards.



       Temple of Heen, in the south of Beijing, east of Yongdingmennei Street, Dongcheng District.

       Covers an area of about 2.73 million square meters. The Temple of Heen was built in the 18th year of Ming Yongle. It was rebuilt in the Qing Emperor Qianlong and Guangxu.

       It is the place where the emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties worshipped the Emperor and prayed for the harvest of the grain.




       Ming Tombs, world cultural heritage, national key cultural relics protection units, national key scenic spots, national AAAAA level tourist attractions.

       The Ming Tombs are located in Tianshou Mountain, Changping District, Beijing.

       From the beginning of Yongle in May of the 7th year of the Yongle, the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen was buried in Siling.

       In the meantime, more than 230 emperors’ tombs were built. Seven scorpions tomb, a tomb of the eunuch.

       A total of thir emperors, twenty-three empresses, two princes, more than 30 monks, and two eunuchs were buried.



       The Summer Palace, the royal garden of the Qing Dynasty in China, is located in the western suburbs of Beijing, adjacent to Yuanmingyuan.

       It is based on Kunming Lake and Wanshou Mountain, and is based on Hangzhou West Lake.

       It is a large-scale landscape garden built by the design method of Jiangnan Garden. It is also the most preserved royal palace, known as the “Royal Garden Museum”. It is also a national key tourist attraction.




        Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum and the Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses Museum

       Emperor Qin Shihuang (259-210B.C.) had Ying as his surname and Zheng as his given name. He name to the throne of the Qin at age 13, and took the helm of the state at age of 22. By 221 B.C., he had annexed the six rival principalities of Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao and Wei, and established the first feudal empire in China’s history.

        In the year 221 B.C., when he unified the whole country, Ying Zheng styled himself emperor. He named himself Shihuang Di, the first emperor in the hope that his later generations be the second, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth emperors in proper order to carry on the hereditary system. Since then, the supreme feudal rulers of China’s dynasties had continued to call themselves Huang Di, the emperor.

        After he had annexed the other six states, Emperor Qin Shihuang abolished the enfeoffment system and adopted the prefecture and county system. He standardized legal codes, written language, track, currencies, weights and measures. To protect against harassment by the Hun aristocrats. Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the Great Wall be built. All these measures played an active role in eliminating the cause of the state of separation and division and strengthening the unification of the whole country as well as promotion the development of economy and culture. They had a great and deep influence upon China’s 2,000 year old feudal society.

        Emperor Qin Shihuang ordered the books of various schools burned except those of the Qin dynasty’s history and culture, divination and medicines in an attempt to push his feudal autocracy in the ideological field. As a result, China’s ancient classics had been devastated and destroy. Moreover, he once ordered 460 scholars be buried alive. Those events were later called in history“the burning of books and the burying of Confucian scholars.”

        Emperor Qin Shihuang,for his own pleasure, conscribed several hundred thousand convicts and went in for large-scale construction and had over seven hundred palaces built in the Guanzhong Plain. These palaces stretched several hundred li and he sought pleasure from one palace to the other. Often nobody knew where he ranging treasures inside the tomb, were enclosed alive.

        Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum has not yet been excated. What looks like inside could noly be known when it is opened. However, the three pits of the terra-cotta warriot excated outside the east gate of the outer enclosure of the necropolis can make one imagine how magnificent and luxurious the structure of Emperor Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum was.

        No.1 Pit was stumbled upon in March 14 when villagers of Xiyang Village of Yanzhai township, Lintong County, sank a well 1.5km east of the mausoleum. In 16, No.2 and 3 Pits were found 20m north of No.1 Pit respectively after the drilling survey. The terra-cotta warriors and horses are arrayed according to the Qin dynasty battle formation, symbolizing the troops keeping vigil beside the mausoleum. This discovery aroused much interest both at home and abroad. In 15, a museum, housing the site of No.1 and covering an area of 16,300 square meters was built with the permission of the State Council. The museum was formally opened to public on Oct.1, the National Day, 19.

        No.1 Pit is 230 meters long from east to west, 62m wide from north to south and 5m deep , covering a total area of 14,260 square meters. It is an earth-and-wood structure in the shape of a tunnel. There are five sloping entrances on the eastern and western sides of the pit respectively. The pit is divided into eleven corridors by ten earthen partition walls, and the floors are ped with bricks. Thick rafters were placed onto the walls (but now one can only see their remains), which were


       Xuzhou Huang Floor In urban ancient Yellow River Promenade in Xuzhou, a towering double ees of the Antique tower. This is the 1988 restoration of the Yellow House. The history of the yellow home is 900 years ago Xuzhou知府Sushi led people to overcome floods in Xuzhou, in the Song Shenzong yuan Harvest (1078) in Xuzhou City in August on the construction of the East Gate. Because soil can grams of water, painted loess, named Huang floor. There are many inscriptions yellow building, the most famous of them to write a few Suzhesuan, Su Shi wrote the book "Yellow House Fu." "Yellow House to celebrate the" Ancient Eight Sights has become one of Xuzhou. 徐州黄楼 在徐州市区古黄河畔,矗立着一座双层飞檐的仿古高楼。这就是1988年修复的黄楼。历史上的黄楼是900年前徐州知府苏轼率领徐州军民战胜洪水之后,于宋神宗元丰年(1078年)八月在徐州城东门之上建造的。因为土能克水,所以涂上黄土,取名黄楼。黄楼内有许多碑刻,其中最著名的要数苏辙撰写,苏轼亲笔所书的《黄楼赋》。"黄楼赏月"亦成为徐州古八景之一。

       竹沟位于峨边彝族自治县境内,核心景区约180平方公里,距峨眉山100公里、乐山大佛150公里。景区内山势雄险、古树参天、珍禽比翼、奇花争艳、瀑布飞悬、云岚缭绕,因此黑竹沟有中国“百慕大”之称,1999年被评为国家森林公园。黑竹沟景区为彝族聚居区,历史悠久,文化灿烂,民族风情古朴多彩,人文景观与自然景观融为一体,旅游特性强、类型多、品位高,具有较高的开发利用价值。 The Ebian Black Bamboo Ditch locates in Ebian Autonomy County, with core spot 180 square kilometers, which is 100 kilometers away from Mt. Emei and 100 kilometers away from the Giant Buddha. In the scenic area, the force of the mountains is dangerous, the old tree are towering, the rare birds wing to wing, the wonderful flower struggles, the waterfall colorfully flies hangs, the cloud mist winds around, therefore the Black Bamboo Ditch has the name of China "Bermuda". In 1999, it was evaluated the national forest park. It is the community area for Yi Minority, the history glorious, culture bright, the national character and style plain multi- colors, the humanities landscape and the natural landscape merge into one organic whole, the treling resources’ characteristic strong, the types various, the grade is high, all of which he the high development value.



        China's Great Wall is the

        greatest building project in human history of civilization.


        It was built in Spring and Autumn period ,Warring states times, two thousand years ago.


        After the Qin state unified China. The chinese people connected the Great wall of various states.


        Two generations of wise people he constructed The Great Wall intensively. Vast its project. It looks like rainbow rolling forward. It was possible to be called world miracle.

        聪明的两代人曾经密集地建造长城,扩展了它的工程. 它看起来象彩虹,滚滚向前. 它有可能被称作世界奇迹。

        It is the must for chinese people. When you repair Great Wall's ruins in offical days.

        You will not only could witness Great Wall's arance that meandered in the hills and high moutains , but could also understand the chinese nat




       The beauty of Yantai harbour

       I stared into a boundless sea of Dalian, also watched to go forward with great strength and vigour of Weihai harbour, but, let me the most impressive is the visit of Yantai harbour. The roaring wes of the sea, the mysterious submarine, a cool gentle breeze, makes me quite a new experience. The summer of 2012, I and my mother went to the beautiful scenery of the Yantai sea.



       所以在这里的名字叫“滩” 。林木绿化地带,有丰富的海滩环境很多,起到了固沙的功能。尤其是在每年4月,森林槐花公开赛,空气中弥漫着甜蜜花香Qinrenxinpi ,谁放弃了森林花香气喝醉。在夏季,这里是一个欢乐的海洋,这一休闲,度,游泳无数游客。

       滩海滨公园,国家4A条一级风景名胜区,中国国家旅游度村。位于烟台经济技术开发区北部。公园是最典型的景观海滩米, 10,000米长的沙滩,和60-180米宽,细砂,金**,大多数地区,缓坡,

       被称为“中国北方第一海滩”的世界。夏季水温在25 ℃左右,中国是最好的天然海水浴场。 2002年,国家海洋局已被列为国家重点的海滩,在国家卫生监测网络的沙滩,海水的监测指标已达到标准的一类国家。开放


       滩海滨公园,万米海滩沿海岸线, Pohuan有一个明确的头部,细柔沙滩,海水温度在1200年夏季约25摄氏度,是最自然的一个海滩。这里碧波万顷的大海,细柔金色沙滩,茂密的森林,新鲜洁净的空气,

       水Xiangyingchengqu遴遢嗯,是一家集游泳,尚静,**,休闲,食品纳入一项综合公园。有天气,美丽的景色在春天;水平平静,海上和博科像夏天;波肿了,玉珠在秋季的飞行;胃排空激浪,宏伟的冬天,构成了独特的色彩四季美丽的。 6斌酶

       塔拉线开始雕塑,如Dianjingzhibi ,加上迷人的大海。


       Dear Tom,

        I am Lihua. I heard that you are coming to Yantai. In order to make you not get lost, I will wait for you in the station.

        Yantai is really beautiful place. Wind is soft. Beaches are warm. Mountains are tall. It is good to get a bird's-eye view on those tall mountain.

        If you like swimming. I suggest you to go to the Golden Beach. You can swim in the sea and enjoy the sun set between the lights. It is enjoyable to do so with your family.

        If you like natural beauty. You can go to the Kunyu Mountain. This is a 923metre-mountain. As what I was saying. You can get a bird's-eye view of the natural beauty.

        But you need to follow the rules. First, you can't lee your rubbish. You should throw them into the rubbish can. Second, you should be a kind guest. You should smile but not act an angry face all the time. What's more, you should't speak loudly in the public place. That' all.

        I am sure you will he a good time in Yantai.




       The City of Qingdao

       The city of Qingdao lies in the east of Shandong Province. It is famous for its blue sea and beautiful beaches.

       Qingdao is a wonderful place for summer holidays. Tens of thousands of people from all parts of the country and all corners of the world come to visit the city every summer. They walk along the beaches, go swimming in the sea or do some shopping in the stores or on the markets. They can seethe fine views of the city. Especially attractive ① are the building groups of the Eastern-and-Western-style②mixed houses and villas③.

       Great changes he taken place in Qingdao in the recent years. It has played an important part in the development of the foreign trade of our country. Its port is busy. Ships and vessels ④ from all countries come and go every day. It has become an international port city.


       My hometown

       I from the Shandong Province Yantai, that am a very beautiful coast city. Has the glorious cultural history, reaches to the sky building, and is Chinese one of ten big charm cities. Not only that there also has Tashan amusement park, the Mt. Nan park, the Penglai Chinese style pilion and so on many treling entertainment's scenic spot. is eating aspect Yantai is not inferior, has is well-known the national Yantai le, the laiyang pear. Also has Zhang Yu's grape wine, that is also widely known. Lives in Yantai, every day looks the deep blue sky, the limpid sea water, is blowing the neat sea breeze is one kind enjoys. I thought that this is also it is evaluated most suits one which of urban the humanity lives not to be able to separate. welcome your momentarily presence Yantai, there is the place which absolutely is worth you going.
